Kick Off Summer at Env

It’s the most magical time of year. The time to appreciate you! That’s right, you- our residents! This June hosts Resident Appreciation Day which recognizes all of our incredible residents that call our Env community their home.
Not only is June home to Resident Appreciation Day- one of the most important holidays- but also the official start of the summer season and LGBTQ+ Pride month. Additionally, June celebrates the National Month of Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness, Aquariums, Great Outdoors, and Iced Tea.
Summer officially starts on June 21st, but the summer weather is already here! It’s time to get outside, lather on that sunscreen, and enjoy the shining sun. One of the best ways to enjoy the sun this summer is by going to music festivals!
Two of the greatest Chicago music festivals are the Summer Smash Festival and Heatwave Festival. Summer Smash is the premiere hip-hop music festival taking place June 23 – 25th. The 2023 Heatwave Festival is your place to party and get down on June 10th and 11th.
Not only is June the start of summer and a month filled with fun, but also an important month as it’s LGBTQ+ Pride Month. Typically shorten to ‘Pride Month’ celebrated in June to honor the 1969 Stonewall Uprising, a tipping point of the Gay Liberation Movement in the US. Pride Month is more important than ever this year, and we encourage all of our Env residents to participate in any way they can. Always remember to have fun and treat your fellow humans with respect and love. Not only this June but always.